Does your crush like you back

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Does he/she like you does he/she not. This quiz will determine that it will be great 😊 i bet they love you but you never know. ANYWAY! Do my quiz it’s really cool and tell your friends too

Its fun fun fun fun fun! Your life may be blessed or ruined but it will be great no matter what happens ok girl/boy yasssssssssss! Thats the spirit! Do the quiz!!

Created by: Harp
  1. Does he/her often stare at you
  2. Do you hang out a lot together
  3. Does he/she give you compliments
  4. Does he spit gum at you
  5. Does he fart around you
  6. How long have you known each other
  7. Does he hate you
  8. Have any of your friends made ship names for you guys
  9. Does he like having you in his house
  10. Have you kissed him/her

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back
