Which Teen Titans GO! Boy Will You Date/marry???

Ever wonder which one of the Teen Titans GO! Guys LOVES you??? Ever wonder who has a crush on you from the Teen Titans GO! Guys??? Ever wonder who you will date/marry out of the Teen Titans GO! Guys???

Well now you can figure it out with this amazing personality quiz!!! Find out who LOVES you and will LOVE you until the day you die and even when you die... Will it be the handsome leader Robin... The witty charming Beast Boy or the strong protective Cyborg??? Do you have a personality like the sweet Starfire... The sarcastic Raven or the sassy Jinx???

Created by: Kylie Taylor Rogers of Kylie Rogers Blogs
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your FAVORITE thing to say???
  2. What do you want his superpowers to be???
  3. What do you want his personality to be like???
  4. What do you wanna look like on your first date???
  5. What episode would describe your love at first sight???
  6. What is your FAVORITE color??? (no pink or purple)
  7. Who else does he like???
  8. Who does he think you are most like???
  9. Which Powerpuff Girl are you most like???
  10. And lastly... Which fruit matches your personality???

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Quiz topic: Which Teen Titans GO! Boy will I Date/marry??? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Superhero Quiz category.
