Do you love them?

Do you ever wonder if your soul mate has been your best friend for years!? Take this quiz today, maybe they might be! Do you love them? Do they love you?

Why wait to find out! It might be love! Or just a crush hidden deep down. Or maybe your just meant to be great friends. But there's no way to find out until to take this quiz!

Created by: Mei
  1. What is their style?
  2. How much time u spend wit dam?
  3. Do they blush near you?
  4. Last question, what clothes do you wear when you hang?
  5. Just kidding 5 more. What's their fave food
  6. Where do like to hang?
  7. Have you ever kissed?
  8. Have you ever slept together?
  9. Ok pee last question. When's he gonna ask you out?
  10. What is there Eye colour?

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Quiz topic: Do I love them?
