Does your crush like you?

Does your crush like you? Who knows? Your crush may hate you, love you, like you, or simply see you as a friend! You need to be attractive in your own way!

Find out if your crush likes you in this twelve question quiz! If you get a high score I suggest you ask your crush out, they're likely to say yes!❤️❤️❤️

Created by: LucidMoonlight

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  1. Do you ever catch your crush staring at you/checking you out?
  2. Does your crush talk to you a lot?
  3. Has your crush ever asked you over to their house?
  4. Does your crush ask you for advise?
  5. Does he/she tease you?
  6. Has your crush ever asked you to sit by him/her?
  7. When your crush tells a joke, does he/she look at you to see if you laughed?
  8. Do you think your crush likes you? (This question has no affect on your results)
  9. Did your crush give you a sappy Valentine on Valentine's Day?
  10. Final question! Which of these best describes your personality?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?