Does this Boy like you?

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This quiz will tell you if your crush or your friend likes you or not some of the questions are related to you and some aren’t so please don’t get mad at me or him.

By the way if you lied on this test I should’ve come out negative so never ever lie on a test like this. I can definitely tell if you lie so never lie or you’ll get banned because if you wanna know the truth then tell the truth or else…

Created by: E.H
  1. Does he Look or talk to you when you pass each other in the halls or in the streets?
  2. Do you ever eat together?
  3. Do you think you have a good chance he’ll like you?
  4. Would you love to date him?
  5. Do you reckon he could be your soulmate ?
  6. Does he know little thinks about you (eg. Fav col Fav animal Fav food)
  7. Is he polite?
  8. Is he nice and does he care about your feelings?
  9. Does he talk about other girls around you?
  10. Does he go to the club?

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