Which Disney villain are you related too?

I'm my opinion, villains are so much cooler then the hero's especially Disney villians. So now you can figure out who your related to and how! You can see who I'm related to 😉😉*hint check my name

Have fun! And remember to be honest I can't promise what would happen if you lie....(evil luagh)Go find out who your related too! It will make you see Disney in a whole new light.

Created by: Madeleine Hatter
  1. Choose a colour.
  2. Where would you spend a weekend?
  3. Choose a word that describes you
  4. Choose an animal
  5. You despise....
  6. Choose a snack...
  7. Choose an accessorie
  8. Choose a letter
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Favourite Disney caraictor

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Quiz topic: Which Disney villain am I related too?
