Does my crush like me? (for middle school girls)

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Have you ever wondered if your crush likes you back? Do you have a mystery admirer and you are dying to know who it is? Well, wonder no longer and try this crush test for middle school girls today!

Just answer ten simple questions and your result will be how much your crush likes you! Good luck! And remember, no matter what, you are perfect the way you are!

Created by: Wennie
  1. Does your crush ever talk to you?
  2. How does your crush act when you talk to him?
  3. Are you friends on social media?
  4. Is he with anybody else?
  5. Has he ever asked you out?
  6. Who usually starts the conversation?
  7. How often do you hang out?
  8. What is the age gap between you and your crush?
  9. How often does your crush compliment you?
  10. And lastly, do you think your crush likes you?

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