Who is your love?

So you want a middle school crush. Take my quiz to see who you would like. This is a quick quiz if you would handle 12 questions.

The results can be Mike, Sam, Daniel, and Ben. You can see the boy's job and what they like to do with you. Go on, take the quiz.

Created by: Brianna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are the new kid at school and you get your schedule. You bump into a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. "My name is Sam.", he said.
  2. Sam helps you up and he says "Do we have any classes together?" You see the schedule and you have 4th, 7th, and 10th period together.
  3. You are in the halls and you can't seem to open your locker. A guy with blonde hair and brown eyes helps you open it. His name is Mike.
  4. Mike asks you to sit with him at lunch and you say ok. Mike says he will introduce you to his friends.
  5. You are at lunch with Mike and he introduces you to a boy with black hair and green eyes, his name is Ben. Mike introduces you to a red hair guy with brown eyes named Daniel. You like...
  6. Sam lets you see his boy model place, you come and he wears a beautiful tux. You notice...
  7. Mike lets you go to the animal conservation. You go there to see...
  8. The next day after school, Daniel invites you to his house. You came to see...
  9. Ben sees you at the park and you will be...
  10. So who do you love

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Quiz topic: Who is my love?