Does he like you?? (5-7th graders)

Do you have that one guy you like but don’t know if he likes you? This quiz will excite you and clear your doubts. This may not be 100% accurate, but I hope it’s believable!

HELLO! I’m Ariana! I have had doubts myself, and wanted to help all the questioning people out there. I hope this quiz helps you. It was sooo fun to make!

Created by: ALH
  1. Hi girl. First of all, does he stare?
  2. Does he make you laugh?
  3. Do his fiends ever tease him when you’re around?
  4. Do his pupils grow large when you talk to him and are his feet facing you?
  5. Do you think he likes you?
  6. What type of person is he?
  7. Let’s say you sit next to him. What does he do?
  8. Is he in the same group as you?
  9. Does he age a girlfriend?
  10. Is he the type of person to use you?

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