Are you really dumb or smart?

Sometimes your school grades doesn't really represent how smart you really are. Being quick to respond to things in life, being creative and having a clear logical thinking can also be hints that prove you're smart.

This quiz helps you (especially those who get a bad grade in school) to get a clear view of yourself that whether you're truly smart or not. Every word ouside the brackets in the questions is not useless, so pay attention to them. This is the first time for me to make a quiz of such kind, so it may not be accurate. But I hope you'll enjoy!

Created by: Tyto.T
  1. First of all, what's the best grade you've got in maths? (doesn't affect much, I'm just curious)
  2. Do you often notice some details or information that others do not? (eg. random data from a documentary video and stuff like that)
  3. Roleplay. Suppose you're in a crazy game in a maze with other players. Each player has a scorecard that has 1, 2, or 3 points. You can snatch the card from another player and take their points. You can take points from multiple players. If the points on your card and the points on the vitim's card adds up to 4, you exits the maze. But if your points are more than 4, you're stuck in the maze forever. You can't give your points away to others, and you do not know other people's scores. You chose a card with a number 2 on it.
  4. You met a boy and a girl who has obviously teamed up. They are hostile, the boy acted uncannily confident, and the girl did all the attacking. You realized that the boy must have 3 points and the girl must have 1 point as you dodged. Does that make any sense to you?
  5. Rp ended. Are you good at strategy games?
  6. Do you often jump to conclusions that later proved to be right?
  7. Are you creative? Or do you often come up with some new approaches to solve a problem?
  8. Can you develop your own method or trick to do things?
  9. Can you understand a new opinion that is different than your own?
  10. Riddle time. Suppose there is a girl called Amy. One of her relatives died, and Amy saw a very handsome boy on the funeral. A week later another relative died. How did the relative die?
  11. Are you good at your hobby?
  12. I know this is lame but do others think you're smart?
  13. Last, do YOU think you're smart?

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Quiz topic: Am I really dumb or smart?
