does he like you?

Does your crush like you or hate you?Does he have a craze over you???will you get a date soon??come on and take the quiz if you really want to know!!!

Just take this quiz and then tell all your friends or keep it to yourself or or whatevea just take the quiz he might like you!!!!!!!!just hurry!he might hate you!just take it!

Created by: haloo9
  1. when does he look at you?
  2. has he ever asked you to a dance or dinner?
  3. has he ever called you?
  4. do your friends like him?
  5. does he know you like him?
  6. would he spend at least 10 bucks on you?
  7. do you think he likes you?(this will not effect your score nor will the 2 next quitons)
  8. what would you do if he came to ur house with flowers?this wont effect your score)
  9. what gender is your crush sorry if the others said he
  10. would you like to move on ha ha often will he talk to you?
  11. you are finished did this quiz get you excided for your results?

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