Do you like him/her?

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If you want to find out that you really like him/her, then take this quiz. But who knows, you might hate each other now, but you could have a crush on each other in a month.

Do you want to find out if you have a crush on someone, or completly hate them? Well then, take this quiz if you want to know. Twenty-three more letters left... Oh look, it's alredy gone up to 197.

Created by: Joy of Joy Garratt
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever try to get close to him/her?
  2. Do you think about him/her quite often?
  3. Have you ever tried to kiss/hug him/her?
  4. What would you do if you suddenly got married one day?
  5. What's your favirote colour out of these?
  6. If you could watch a movie out of any of thease with him/her, what would it be?
  7. Why are you taking this quiz?
  8. If someone got Swine Flu, would you rather it be you or him/her?
  9. What are you going to do after you finish this quiz?
  10. Last question, if you could go to one place with him/her, where would it be?

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Quiz topic: Do I like him/her?