He called me dude part 1
Cassidy and Seth are the main characters in this story. It is another love story. Here is a basic outline I've come up with so far: These two characters have to move to a different middle school because of the increased population in their city. They become friends and as school goes on, Cassidy is zapped and forced to go out with a "bad guy" type of boy whose name is Ray. News spread and her mom finds out she's "dating" and her mom wants to see who she's dating.
So when her mom comes to pick her up at school, she grabs her Seth and pleads him to pretend to be her boyfriend whenever her mom was around because he was the "good guy" type. He's the straight face, clean type of guy. Ray really likes Cassidy and starts becoming more "human". There are two paths: a love triangle forms between the three and the story ends or Cassidy rejects Ray and the story continues to eighth grade where Seth uses Cassidy as the "rebound girl" when he gets rejected by his crush. *** means that the character views change. You only have to read and don't have to answer and don't have to read the results.
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