Do your parents love you?

If you feel that your parents don't love you. This quiz will help you assure if they do or don't. If you feel like your parents don't love you then you should talk to someone.

I am a 15 yr old that is going through problems with my parents. I know the love me but I feel like they don't sometimes. I have mixed feeling about them.

Created by: Gio
  1. Do your parents scream at you for little things?
  2. Do your parents say they love you often?
  3. What do you think about your parents?
  4. Do your parents tell you you're a mistake?
  5. When a teacher calls because of your behavior in class, do your parents believe what you tell them?
  6. Do your parents embarrass you in public?
  7. Do they verbally abuse you?(curse at you, degrading you)
  8. Have you self harmed yourself?
  9. Do they physically abuse you?
  10. Have your teachers seen any bruises and asked you about it?(if they physically abused you)

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Quiz topic: Do my parents love you?
