do your parents love you? find out

your parents love you. they care about you and will do anything for you. they are very active in your lives. they like to do nice things for you. they think you are the greatest thing that ever happened to them.

sort but they hate you. they do not really care for you. they do not want to hear what you have to say. they barley love you. you need to learn to accept this and get over it.

Created by: Sky Tanner
  1. do your parents spend a lot of time with you?
  2. do your parents listen to you?
  3. do your parents ever hit you?
  4. do your parents take you to do a lot of FUN activities?
  5. how do your parents treat you?
  6. do you like to be around your parents?
  7. are your parents active in your school life?
  8. do your parents let you have sleepovers?
  9. do you think your parents love you?
  10. do you think your parents hate you?

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Quiz topic: Do my parents love you? find out

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