What Harry Potter character are you

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You love Harry potter write? His is a very small quiz of who you are in Harry Potter! I did this quiz and I was Harry probably because I'm wise so yep and comment who you were down below because I would love to know about his parents...Baka!

Nice simple easy and fun to complete becaus rim a child and I am loner. Not! Psyche! Love making quizzes so yeah next one is about hermiones love on animals and whether or not you are nice

Created by: Harrypotterwizzer
  1. Do you love Harry potter
  2. What house are you in?
  3. Who's your favourite?(mines Harry!)
  4. Is this quiz good?
  5. are you wize
  6. What is your age (will not really effect)
  7. Wizard or witch?
  8. Who do you have a crush on?
  9. This is my first quiz will you rate it(no effect)
  10. Can you survive the killing curse if you were Harry?

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter character am I

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