Harry Potter sorting house quiz

This quiz will tell you what Harry Potter house you are in. Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Remember everyone has a bit of every house in them but this test will tell you which stands out the most in you.

This doesn’t mean you only have the qualities of your house. Slytherins aren’t evil and Hufflepuffs are soft little sh**ts. So if you think that then unthink it.

Created by: Bad bleep of Harry Potter house quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. Which house do you want to be sorted into?
  2. Which quality do you value the most?
  3. What would you do if you saw someone picking on your friend?
  4. If you found an old chest filled with things what would you pick up?
  5. Who do you relate to the most?
  6. Who do you think was the worst person?
  7. When would you stop and give up working on something?
  8. When someone apologies for something, how are you like?
  9. Which house do you least want to be in?
  10. What friend are you?

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