Which Harry Potter House are YOU in?

The Title says it! Which Harry Potter House are You in? Maybe your a Gryffindor! Or a Slytherin! Maybe a Hufflepuff! Or a Ravenclaw! Take this quiz I made to see which one are you in!

Oh, and this is My first time making one, so please don't expect it to be good... :( Just drink some coffee and chill, life is all about living... I can't believe I just said that, oh well, nothing makes sense in this world... Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, byeeeee! Now enjoy the quiz bbg

Created by: TropicalBubbleTea
  1. Welcome! Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening, how are you today?
  2. My name is _________, what's yours? (You can Skip)
  3. Well, Nice to meet you! Now, it's time for the real questions
  4. Your in your class, and you see someone cheating! What will do?
  5. It's night time, but you can't sleep! What will you do?
  6. What do you fear among these? (I know it's random, but just answer pls)
  7. Which one of the boy characters down below would you date? (Skip if you're a boy, and go to the next question below)
  8. Which one of the girl characters down below would you date? (Skip if you're a girl, and go to the next question below)
  9. What's your favorite Magic spell?
  10. Which of these animals would you want to be your pet?
  11. Choose one song lyric, from songs that I like!
  12. Do you LOVE Harry Potter!?
  13. If you get to choose, which house would you love to go in?
  14. This is my first time making a quiz, so I hope you like it!

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter House am I in?
