Harry Potter: Advanced

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In this quiz, I will test your knowledge past the boundaries of Harry Potter. This will be exceptionally hard. There will be 11 questions, some from the books, and some from the movies.

Are you a Gryffindor? Bold and daring? Are you not scared to take this quiz? Or maybe you are a Ravenclaw! Likes a good knowledge tester! Could be a Slytherin? A sneaky Sltheryin in the background. Or perhaps a Hufflepuff. Hail! Hail! Hufflepuff! :D

Created by: Bec
  1. In which book is Sirius Black first mentioned?
  2. Who was the last person to be sorted in Harry's year and what house were they in?
  3. Who was the leader of the Headless Hunt and what was their pass time?
  4. Who was the first person to talk in the Hanged Man pub (Little Hangleton bar)?
  5. How many Quidditch games do they play in the third Harry Potter book?
  6. Who were the Ravenclaw prefects in Harry's year?
  7. Who says, "You're as omniscient as ever, Dumbledore?"
  8. What was the first Horcrux made and from whose body?
  9. What was the last Horcrux made and from whose body?
  10. Where do the Durselys and Harry go in the first book before Hunt on a Rock?
  11. What colour is Gringotts described as?

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