Do you talk right???

You could be really smart, but do you know how to talk right or use good speech??? Well, this quiz I made will tell you. I've had speech classes, so please don't get offended. I did this cause I was bored.

Do YOU know good speeech??? Do you make A's and Language Arts??? Well, your about to find out if your any good at using right talking skills and good speech. Get ready to take the "Do you talk right?" quiz!!!!!

Created by: Caroline

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you say "for", do you say "for" or sound more like "fer"?
  2. Do you say "you all" or "ya'll"?
  3. What is your grade in Language Arts?
  4. Do you know you don't talk right?
  5. Were you born or raised in the country?
  6. Do you listen to country or rap music alot?
  7. Do many people say or have said you need speech classes?
  8. Do you tend to say "ain't" alot?
  9. Do you spell like you talk?
  10. Well that's pretty much all I need, so wat do you like to do in your free time?

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Quiz topic: Do I talk right???