Do You Need Makeup??? C: | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do You Need Makeup??? C:.
This is going to sound terrible, and I'm sorry for saying it, but I honestly think from the way you type you're not old enough to be on this website. If you aren't, I'm sorry for saying this, but the seriousness of which your portray your quiz is important. If you are, it's best if children aren't on this website because that could end badly.
Sorry, from Killjoy
P.S. Most women who wear makeup know that if they put on to much it can cause breakouts.
I am sorry but i did not enjoy this quiz, there are multiple reasons why. First off your spelling, i could not understand most of the questions and answers. Second the result i got sounded sort of rude. Third you did not have good reasonable questions. These are a few of the reasons why i did not enjoy your quiz. thank you for listening.
Great attempt!! You can do much better but this was not bad at all! Thanks!
Great attempt!! You can do much better but this was not bad at all! Thanks!
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