Do You Need Makeup??? C:

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You may need make up, but even if you don't need it you may want to look pretty and all grown up. But you don't want to be called a lil hoe or a wanna be okk so idk.

Well yea you want to wear make up, go ahead. I don't really care, and I'm not your mom. But girl trust me you would look better without make ight soo be a pretty girl and don't.

Created by: giggles c:
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear make up ??? C:
  2. What do you wear of make up the most ??? (if you even wear make up) c:
  3. Why do you even put on makeup???
  4. Do you have acne ??? O:
  5. Would you want your face to look ugly wen you take off the make up??
  6. Do you like Batman (sorry this is random)?
  7. Do you like Harley Quinn ??? (random omg I love her!!!)?
  8. I'm so bored well if you want make up go ahead but I just warn you if you put to much it will affect your skinn.
  9. Do you like cats meowwww ~.~ lol?
  10. Should I do another one ??? Well if I should thnks if not thnks lol bye bye c: see you all later makara c: ~.~

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