Do you need a spanking this week ?

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Hi there ! How was your week ? Were you well behaved ? If you arrived here, probably not. So answer these questions to find out which spanking you deserve !

Don't forget ! Every spanking is given without your pants or skirt and underwear. And it will, of course, be given on your bottom and on your thighs. You need to learn your lesson !

Created by: Dannee
  1. How old are you ?
  2. How did you act during this week ?
  3. Do you think you need a punishment?
  4. Have you done all your chores ?
  5. Did you brush your teeth every day ?
  6. Did you eat your vegetables ?
  7. Have you done your sport ?
  8. Did you get 8 hours of sleep per night ?
  9. Were you nice with people ?
  10. How much money did you spend ?
  11. Did you take care of your mental health ?
  12. When was your last punishment ?
  13. If you had been punished recently (this month or after), what was it ?
  14. How do you feel right now ?
  15. Did you lie during this quiz ?
  16. Who is normally punishing you ?

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Quiz topic: Do I need a spanking this week ?

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