Which Day of the Week are you?

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What Day of the Week are you? M's? T's? W's? TH's? F's? S's? Or SU's? Take this quiz to find out here and now!

This quiz is about what Day of the Week are you! Have fun and enjoy! :-P.

Created by: Cerise Hood
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do people love you for?
  2. What do people do on your day?
  3. What are your initials?
  4. What do people usually say on your day?
  5. What do people usually listen to on your day?
  6. What do people usually eat on your day?
  7. Which Day of the Week is your favorite?
  8. Which Day of the Week do you hate the most?
  9. Your days usual hash tag?
  10. Ready for your result? (No effect)
  11. That's it! Bye! (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Day of the Week am I?