Do you love your pet

"There are a lot of people who think they love their pets but what they don't know is this quiz was made ! So now you can really tell if you love your pet!

do your LOVE! Your pet? Do you really care about your feline friend or do you just let them slip by you in bed don't feed nurture or play with them they need love too!!

Created by: Minecraft
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What breed is your dog?
  2. Do you take your dogs on walks?
  3. How often do you feed your pet?
  4. Do you think your pet loves you?
  5. What pet do you have ?
  6. How often do you wash your pet?
  7. 😄
  8. So do you think you love Your pet?
  9. One more to go. So do you play with your pet?
  10. Last question.what would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I love my pet