What Dog Breed is Suitable for You?

Dogs are amazing creatures! Known to be man's (and woman's) best friend, they can be extraordinary companions. Mixed breeds can be downright wonderful dogs and can make good pets, but many people are hoping to get a purebred. This may not always be the best choice, but if you have decided to settle on a purebred, it would be wise to take the time to consider different options and do your homework.
What dog breed is truly right for you and your family? It depends. Many obstacles must be taken into consideration before you can decide. Who knows, you may not even qualify to take care of one? Remember, this quiz is for those looking for a purebred, and your result doesn't mean you must get this breed. There are many breeds similar to each other, and some breeds that aren't included in this quiz may be a better option for you. Remember taking care of a dog is filled with responsibilities, big and small. If you believe you are ready to take on those responsibilities, take the quiz to discover your ideal (or close to it) dog breed!