Are you a nurturing or an undernurtured Mom?

Moms spend a lot of time taking care of other people. We're surrounded by people that we nurture. But do we always remember to take the time to nurture ourselves?

Take this quick quiz to find out how well you nurture yourself, and what you need to nurture the most. Do you nurture your mind? Do you nurture your body? Do you nurture your spirit? Maybe you nurture all three! Take the quiz and find out.

Created by: Moms Mind Rules
  1. In my free time I like to:
  2. I go to the gym:
  3. If I were to express myself artistically, it would be:
  4. In order to keep my wardrobe up to date, I like to get to the mall:
  5. When I look at the New york Times Best Seller list, I usually have read:
  6. I often find spiritual fulfillment by:
  7. The last time I had an intellectually stimulating conversation was:
  8. I am able to find time to exercise, read, and journal:
  9. I love my kids, but when I need to take time for myself:
  10. The Desperate Housewife that I relate to the most is:

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Quiz topic: Am I a nurturing or an undernurtured Mom?