Do you like to be alone?

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Do you like to be alone or do you wanna know if you should spend more time alone? Find it out by this quiz! Please answer honestly and not just that what you want to get. Thank you :)

This test is not proven by some real medical stuff. It's made by me and my experiences! Please rate it if you have time! Maybe we can be "Like to be Alone" Buddy's :3

Created by: Robin
  1. Are you happy/relaxed when you are alone?
  2. Do you often have anxiety/stress?
  3. Are you scared when your alone?
  4. Do you like to party?
  5. If, you like to be alone, what makes you? (Skip if not!)
  6. Do you have strict parents?
  7. (Skip this, if u don't feel like to answer it!)Did you ever watch/do pørŋ?
  8. Do you have a lot of online friends?
  9. Do you do some weird things when your alone? Be honest, it's ok I do it too!
  10. Last Question! If you're the last person on earth, would you like it?

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Quiz topic: Do I like to be alone?
