Are you a healthy person?

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Disclaimer: If you're looking for serious medical advice, do not take it from this quiz. Or, uh...any quiz. I'm not a doctor. If you need help, you should go to one. You're probably not looking for serious medical advice, because you're most likely a child. But if you happen to be an adult looking for medical advice on a quiz website run by ten-year-olds...I recommend you don't do that.

Now onto the fun stuff! This quiz has a few questions to tell you how healthy you are, and if you answer them honestly you will likely get a semi-accurate result. If you don't like what you got, though...uh...retake the quiz and choose different answers. That's what I always do!

Created by: OumaKokichi72
  1. hi! my name is bella and im seven. i hope you like my quiiz.
  2. That was a joke. My name isn't Bella and I'm not seven. Anyways! Let's get started. How often do you exercise?
  3. Do you smoke?
  4. Do you often eat things that aren't healthy for you?
  5. How often do you go to the doctor?
  6. What is your total cholesterol?
  7. What is your BMI?
  8. Does your family have a history of dying early from heart disease?
  9. Is this quiz boring you?
  10. Are you healthy mentally?
  11. Final question. (Yes, I know this quiz is short. Don't take the results seriously.) Do you have a chronic illness that is expected to shorten your life expectancy?

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Quiz topic: Am I a healthy person?
