Your Diabetic Personality Quiz

What kind of diabetic are YOU? No, we're not talking about type 1 or type 2 this time, we're talking about your "Diabetic Personality". Take this quiz to see how YOU rank!

Are you constantly monitoring your glucose or more intuitive? Do you watch your carbs like a hawk or indulge a little? These are just some of the indicators of your Diabetic Personality. Good luck with the quiz! Please note that this quiz is more of a fortune cookie than it is medical advice. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Did you really think it was?

Created by: NewDiabeticLog
  1. Do you drink alcohol?
  2. What is your A1C level?
  3. What is your attitude toward your diabetes?
  4. How do you track your blood sugar and carbs?
  5. How is your diet?
  6. How many people know about your diabetes?
  7. On average, how often do you test your glucose each day?
  8. Do you exercise?
  9. How much do you look into new diabetes information, either online, blogs, books, magazines or directly with your doctor?
  10. Do you talk with others who have diabetes?

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Quiz topic: My Diabetic Personality Quiz