What Percent Healthy Are You?

Do you want to know if you are healthy or not? This quiz will give you a general idea of how healthy you are so you can improve if need be. I hope you like my quiz!

Disclaimer: Real health tests should always be done by a health professional. This quiz does not take the place of a checkup from your health care provider.

Created by: RLD
  1. Can you run a mile without stopping or getting too winded?
  2. Can you run five miles with ease?
  3. How often do you walk?
  4. You need to get to school/work. What do you do?
  5. How many push-ups can you do?
  6. How often do you take the stairs?
  7. How long can you hold a plank?
  8. Do you use a standing desk at work or have a job where you are on your feet all day?
  9. What happens when you lift weights?
  10. Do you have an estimate of how many calories you eat in a day?
  11. Do you eat at least 5 servings of fruits/vegetables in a day?
  12. How much fiber do you eat?
  13. Do you drink 8 glasses of water a day?
  14. Do your pants always fit?
  15. Have you ever split the seam on an article of clothing?
  16. Do you ever have to loosen your belt?
  17. When you are eating, do you ever feel the urge to undo the button on your pants?
  18. You pull your clothes out of the dryer. What are your thoughts about them fitting?
  19. What does your tummy look like?
  20. How many squats can you do?
  21. When you run at a moderate pace, could a jogging partner understand what you are saying?
  22. Can you balance on one foot?
  23. Can you touch your toes?
  24. Can you keep up with small children easily?
  25. When you flex, how much muscle definition do you have?
  26. How long can you swim before getting tired?
  27. How many pullups can you do?
  28. Do you FEEL fit?

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Quiz topic: What Percent Healthy am I?
