Do you know your Greek mythology minor gods?

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Hey there! It's me-THEO! I just wanted to make an extremely hard Greek mythology quiz. Here you are! Presenting..."Do you know your Greek mythology?"!!!

This is my fourth quiz, and second on this subject, so hopefully this quiz is good enough! I have included many minor (and a few major) Greek gods, courtesy of

Created by: Theo
  1. Hecate is goddess of ____________.
  2. I geyser god is called a ___________.
  3. Iris is goddess of the moon
  4. Astraeus is a Greek god.
  5. Enyo, goddess of war and destruction, was a child of Zeus and Hera and brother of Ares.
  6. Geras is the Greek god of aging.
  7. Mnemsyne is the Greek goddess of forgetfulness.
  8. Moros is the Greek god of doom.
  9. __________ is the goddess of night.
  10. Tyche is goddess of luck and fortune.
  11. Who is Harmonia's Father?
  12. Hebe is Aphrodite's sister.
  13. Phosphorus is not the god of the morning star
  14. Deniminius is the god of hopelessness.
  15. Who is the god of strength? (I mean the original one before Heracles)

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Quiz topic: Do I know my Greek mythology minor gods?
