Do you Know the Correct Answers to These Random Questions?

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Have fun picking the most likely answer to these fun facts questions! How many completely random facts do you think you know? Here's your chance to find out with 16 wacky questions!

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Created by: Camonami
  1. We're going to start with a set of four colour-related questions. Is the colour 'maroon' a shade of red, brown, or purple?
  2. Which of the following colours is used to calm or soothe people?
  3. Which of the following colours makes a person's heart beat faster?
  4. Which of the following colours do mosquitoes like best?
  5. Next up is the animal set of questions. Fill in the blank: Jellyfish are about 95% ________.
  6. A whale heart is about __________ long.
  7. It takes ____________ for a sloth to digest it's food.
  8. Kangaroos cannot ______.
  9. And right onto the food set of questions! Where do cranberries grow?
  10. Which of the following is a large component of the drink, Mountain Dew?
  11. The word 'cookie' comes from the word 'koekje', which comes from what language?
  12. How many pineapples grow on a bush per year?
  13. And lastly, the plant questions set. Which country is named after a tree?
  14. 85% of the Earth's plants are located in...
  15. What is the scientific study of trees called?
  16. At what age do oak trees start producing acorns?
  17. Well, that's it for this quiz! Ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know the Correct Answers to These Random Questions?

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