University of Non-consensual Whale facts

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yeah this quiz is fun and legit if you take it you get to see a really hot dude at the end of the quiz. so i assure you its not completely useless. maybe it is but whatever. DO IT FOR THE HUSBANDO BOOM (please reach the 1 on the ranks)

I LOve burritos tasty goodness. pepis... think about that... boo im a cow. i like to smother my grapes with jelly. i am talking out of the other end of me because i need to fill this space with stuff. SPAWN OF SATAN.

Created by: a human :-)
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do I care about your age?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. do I care about your gender? (yes, every no affects your answer)
  5. someone comes over and B slaps you, QUICK how do you respond???? D^:
  6. do you buy your napkins?
  7. i get mine from wendys.
  8. QUICK pick a word
  9. The potato pie strolled down the street like a goose on the run and then miss penny who was engaged to the pie asked baker for paddy cake to bake on flake of a cake in a lake.
  10. choose a saying
  11. who is elon musk?
  12. on a scale of 1-10 how cringey would you be?
  13. QUICK a really hot guy touches the no no spot what do you do?
  14. what is oppai
  15. how do you open your oranges?
  16. Suicide is technically self defense since you have killed the person who was trying to kill you.
  17. gay people rely on straight people to make more gay people.
  18. will you comment

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