Do you know avril lavigne

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Created by: Nyadtheponylover
  1. Why are you here
  2. Are you a
  3. Ok finish the lyric
  4. Singing radio head at the top of our lung
  5. You didn't know that when
  6. I can be tough I can be strong but with
  7. Ok done with finish the lyric yes I know it was short ok name which isn't an avril lavigne song
  8. Is avril lavigne a
  9. Ok more finish the lyric because I said so ok
  10. Why you gotta go and make things
  11. When you're gone the pieces of
  12. Hey hey you you
  13. Cause she's like so
  14. You got it twisted im not the one who needs
  15. Goodbye to all

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Quiz topic: Do I know avril lavigne
