Are you an ally of trans people?

Hello! This quiz will tell you whether you are transphobic or an ally of trans people. To be transphobic is to hate or discriminate against trans people because of their transness. This includes denying them hormones or hormon blockers, using pronouns for them that they don't use, and preventing them from being part of your religion.

As this quiz says, you are scoring on whether you're an ally of trans people. The higher the score the more of an ally you are. If you get a low score, you are anti trans and you need to shape up.

Created by: Wolf Queen
  1. Someone who is assigned female (has a female body) transgender tells you their pronouns are they/them. What pronouns do you use for the person?
  2. A trans person tells you that they are assigned male, but they are a woman. What is their gender?
  3. A trans woman's pronouns are he/they. What is his gender?
  4. A person is saying that trans women are fake women. Do you agree with that statement?
  5. Your sibling comes out as nonbinary. You don't understand exactly what that means. You…
  6. Trans kids ________ be able to get hormones.
  7. Trans people _________ be allowed to teach in schools.
  8. Trans people _____ be able to adopt kids.
  9. Books about trans people _______ be banned from schools.
  10. Being trans _____ a sin.
  11. Transness ________ a mental illness.
  12. True or false? Trans people will go to hell.
  13. True or false? Nonbinary people are not valid.
  14. True or false? You are an expert on trans needs, and you know better than trans people.
  15. True or false? You use the pronouns trans people tell you to use.
  16. True or false? We need more trans representation.
  17. True or false? God hates trans people.
  18. True or false? Trans people are discriminated against.
  19. True or false? Trans people, at least adults, should be able to get gender transitioning surgeries.
  20. My pronouns are they/it/xe. Will you use them?
  21. Trans people are hurt by the government, religious organizations, and individuals, and need help. Will you stand with us?
  22. There is a bill against trans people using the bathrooms that match their gender identity. You ____ support the bill.
  23. Your friend is trans. You do or do not support them?
  24. Are neopronouns (i.e. xe/xem/xyr, fae/faem/faer, etc.) valid?
  25. Do you support trans people and the trans community? That is, you stand up for us, speak to us, and make an effort to make more equity in the world.

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Quiz topic: Am I an ally of trans people?

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