Do You Have Magic in Your Blood?

This will test your blood in a magic way so make sure you are sitting in a forest on a rock doing this or it will not be accurate Also this works good.

This will test your blood in a magic way so make sure you are sitting in a forest on a rock doing this or it will not be accurate Also this works great.

Created by: NightLeaf
  1. There are different tests to see if you have magic in your blood.
  2. The first one is luck.
  3. Pic one
  4. Pic one
  5. The next one is the test of diversity.
  6. Are you right or left handed?
  7. Can you fall asleep easily if your tired?
  8. Can you fall asleep easily when your not tired?
  9. The last test is strange.
  10. Do you have a weird pet (If you have a cat, dog, fish, frog, bunny, hamster or anything on a farm say no. If u have anything else say yes?

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Quiz topic: Do I Have Magic in my Blood?