Demon Slayer: What would be your Blood Art [Fan Made]

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Hello, and welcome to my quiz! I hope you will enjoy it. Here you will find out what would be your Demon Blood Art in Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) if you were a demon. For those who don't know what Demon Slayer is, let me explain.

Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) often referred to as KNY or DS is a popular action, dark fantasy shounen anime and manga. It follows the story of two siblings Tanjiro and Nezuko, their family was killed by demons and Nezuko turned into one, so the two of them set out to defeat the demon lord and to find a cure for Nezuko. Demon Slayer has unique fighting styles for both demon slayers and demons. Demons use a magic called Demon Blood Art, each has a unique blood art, and here you will find one that suits you, take note that the blood arts here are all fan made.

Created by: Chinatsu
  1. When fighting would you use a weapon, or anything like a weapon?
  2. If you would use a weapon, choose what it would be.
  3. When fighting what would you prioritize?
  4. If you could choose one of the following popular MMORPG class, what would it be?
  5. In a fight what would be your first move?
  6. You have to pull of an attack to save yourself from the enemy, what would it be?
  7. If you had a signature move, what would it be?
  8. Pick and anime character whose ability you like: (Part 1)
  9. Pick an anime character whose ability you like:(Part 2)
  10. Would you rely on minions, direct attacks or passive attacks?
  11. Do you like to wear a lot of hairpins, and do you think you would be able to pull if a fighting move with them?
  12. The L.oL. Marksman character Xayah uses feathers to fight, would you?
  13. What do you think of paint, could you be able to use it in a fight?
  14. You need to hide, what do you do?
  15. It's winter, what's the first thing you do?
  16. How interested are you in volcanoes?
  17. Would you like to be able to summon spirits?
  18. Can you crochet, or would you like to learn it?
  19. Some insults you, what do you do?
  20. You are looking trough the world's best telescope, what do you look for?

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Quiz topic: Demon Slayer: What would be my Blood Art [Fan Made]
