Do you have Baes?? LOL | Comments

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  • Umm, isn't that called cheating on a guy? Anyway, I know one likes me and I like him back too but I think he thinks that I think that I don't know that he secretly likes me. But I am too shy to tell him, nevertheless make a conversation without ACCIDENTALLY flirting with him like staring deep in his eyes as if I could see right through his soul. He starts to sit next to me like 24/7 during lunch and he smoothes his hair and/or his shirt and stares at me a lot. I catch him and he turns slightly pink and pretends to talk to someone. My frieds always whisper " Look who sitting next to Britney!"(a.k.a: me). And he gets like real close and I think he tries to find excuses to brush against me. He flexes his muscles, plays soccer with all his might, etc. (*sighs thinking about Mr. Cutie*)

    1 Twilight Fan
  • I'm Faithful ;) So true!! I got a bunch of guy friends that everybody thinks that I like. And everybody thinks that all the guys are flirting with me and I flirt with them back (whatever lol) but I only like one guy, so... yah, good quiz!


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