Do you have Baes?? LOL

I created this quiz for people who think or know they have baes. I don't mean anything to be offensive like if you don't even have a bae. Plus me and my friends laugh about baes all the time

Plus the Miranda Sings song really inspired me. So I had to do it..... It would also be really good to see what you get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Created by: Alyanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do boys act around you?
  2. Do you try to impress boys
  3. Do you have guy that everyone thinks you like but you don't
  4. Does your bae love another girl almost as much as he loves you
  5. how many baes do you have
  6. do you think you're cute
  7. do you think you're cute
  8. do you need tips on how to get baes
  9. do you have big lips
  10. where are you from

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Quiz topic: Do I have Baes?? LOL