Do you have ADHD or not?

If you feel like you have ADHD you can take this quiz to find out. Get a small idea. I think it is pretty accurate because I have ADHD myself. I know what it is like.

On one of the answers I misspelled some things. So if you get that answer, I meant to write thru and can. I was going a little fast. That is a part of ADHD.

Created by: IStoleYourToast
  1. I prefer to move around than to sit still.
  2. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time.
  3. I come up with the most random questions that aren’t related to what we are talking about.
  4. I work on many different projects and never finish any of them.
  5. I get random spurts of energy at random times of the day.
  6. I have trouble sleeping at night but I am not tired during the day.
  7. I have a hard time focusing on things I don’t find interesting.
  8. I say things that I don’t think about and regret it later.
  9. I often forget things.
  10. I am always fidgeting something.
  11. When I sit still I am always moving my feet or hands.
  12. I feel I have ADHD.

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Quiz topic: Do I have ADHD or not?

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