do you have adhd

do you have adhd? this is a short(ish) lighthearted quiz to give preliminary signs you could have adhd. hope you'll enjoy this quiz! also, have a nice day/night!

please remember, this quiz is not a substitute for medical advice, so take your results with a grain of salt. i am also working on an autism quiz right now, so be ready for that one too!

Created by: kristina
  1. have you ever gotten so distracted you forgot what you were doing?
  2. do you find it hard to sit still?
  3. have you ever started something straightforward and gone down a rabbit hole? (hyperfocus)
  4. when did you last get so overwhelmed that you gave up entirely?
  5. do you start something and then put it down for a long time and never finish it?
  6. has anyone ever had to tell you to stop moving? (e.g. on a plane, train, etc.)
  7. have you ever broken down over the smallest things?
  8. have you ever become hyperfixated on something everyone else ignored? (e.g. a homework extension that interested you, a glitch in a video/website etc.)
  9. have you ever felt so pressured to do something that you just do it, even if it's something you don't like/enjoy?
  10. finally, did you show symptoms before age 8-10?

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Quiz topic: Do I have adhd
