Do you have a mental disorder?

Warning:I am not an expert so I probably won’t be correct. If you feel like you are one of them then pls consider consulting a professional. And thank you for answering this quiz.

Thank you for attempting it means a lot to me. I have only included OCD , ADHD and BIPOLAR DISORDER in this quiz. Pls rate and leave a comment and rate .

Created by: AS.01
  1. Do you find that you cannot sit still
  2. Do you ever have sudden mood swings.
  3. Does everything always have to be perfect
  4. Fav color
  5. Age
  6. Have you ever had suicidal thoughts
  7. Do you daydream
  8. Do you have to stick to one schedule
  9. What ha have you been diagnosed with ?
  10. Did you like this test

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Quiz topic: Do I have a mental disorder?
