Do you fit my standards? (for men)

hii this is a quiz to see if someone can really fit my standards! i actually have a bf who does, but i like taking and making quizzes, so i decided to make one for this!

this is a quiz for men, girls are great but i am straight, so it's a quiz for boys, please don't be offended!! english is not my firts language so i say sorry for eventual mistakes i'll make.

Created by: haruka swan
  1. Where are you from?
  2. When are you born?
  3. How tall are you?
  4. What is your religion?
  5. What is your hair color?
  6. what is your gender identity?
  7. are you loyal?
  8. do you know Rocio Jurado?
  9. How many kids do you want?
  10. do you like animals?
  11. What is your love language?

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Quiz topic: Do I fit my standards? (for men)
