What Captain America Civil War Character Are You?

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This is just a fun little quiz I decided to do at 3 am in the morning. I love Marvel movies so I decided to do a quiz on Captain America Civil War because I love the movie. It is also my first quiz so I hope it is good.

I might make more quizzes because this was fun but I don't know what to do next. I was thinking maybe Voltron and Supernatural. Let me know so start on my next quiz.

Created by: IcicleMcElferson
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. What color do you prefer to wear?
  3. Who is your favorite Avenger on this list?
  4. What are you afraid of?
  5. Team Cap or Team Iron Man
  6. Where would you like to visit?
  7. What is your negative personality trait?
  8. What is your favorite movie genre?
  9. What would be your choice of weapons?
  10. What is your favorite Captain America Movie?

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Quiz topic: What Captain America Civil War Character am I?
