Which Captain Underpants character are you

This quiz will tell you what character you are from Captain Underpants the first epic movie so if you enjoy good, if you dont too bad for you, you should have done something else

Well get ready for a great quiz full of fun and funny. Because this is the most humorous thing in the world. Okay, probably not but its great hope you enjoy

Created by: Creating dude
  1. What like doing in your free time
  2. Male or female
  3. Age?
  4. What do you prefer
  5. If you were going to plan a prank what type of prank would you do
  6. If you were in big trouble what would you do
  7. Random question what is your favorite song
  8. Did you like this quiz
  9. Will you tell your friends
  10. See ya later

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Quiz topic: Which Captain Underpants character am I
