Relationships For Love or Money?

There are many people out there looking for love. What qualities do you find important in a mate? What are your standards? Has anyone ever called you a gold digger?

Are you looking for true love or a way to secure your future? Do you feel that money will bring you happiness or true companionship? Take this quiz to find out if you are a gold digger or just someone with high standards.

Created by: Carly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What first attracts you to a guy?
  2. What do you think of successful but older, rich men who own very expensive supercars?
  3. Are you constantly looking for or seeking places where successful men socialise?
  4. Which of the following most reflects your current money situation?
  5. Where would your ideal rich date take you?
  6. Has anyone ever accused you of being a gold digger?
  7. Would you still date your current boyfriend if was a dustbin man?
  8. Do you ever argue with your boyfriend / lover about the gifts (or lack of them) that he treats you to.
  9. Would u ever marry someone if they weren't attractive?
  10. Would you ever consider participating in a show like, who wants to marry a millionaire?
  11. Is there such a thing as too much money?
  12. If your future husband wanted you to sign a pre-nupt, would you agree?
  13. Is wealth a turn on?

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