Do u know what a thearin is?

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This quiz will tell you how much you know about thearins please answer turefuly so you don't get the answer you ed want. So please don't sorry I spelt stuff wrong lol

I know you might not like my quiz but idc and please don't come for me I know this sucks lol anyway enjoy! Wait also I'm trying something new out and hope you enjoy

Created by: Siobhan
  1. Do thearins always have a past life
  2. Do thearins need to so quads (quads is a sport where you run around on all fours)
  3. Do thearins need gear
  4. Are thearins and furies the same
  5. Can thearins choose there therotypes?
  6. Are thearins sexually attracted to animals?
  7. Can people choose if there a theain or not?
  8. Do thearins think they are animals
  9. Do thearins care about hate comments?
  10. Are all thearins mean?
  11. Do you think I'm a thearin?
  12. Choose my fav animals

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