Did you survive? ( Original )

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Welcome to the original "Did You Survive?"! Here you will be tested on your survival skills. Please do not lie, as you will not be as prepared as you think if the apocalypse were to happen.

And, before you start, just a reminder that if a question doesn't say "Will not affect your score" it will affect your score! With that in mind, happy quizzing.

Created by: zeldacrafter0111
  1. Do you know how to bind a wound?
  2. What is your best quality?
  3. What is the best way to dress for the apocalypse?
  4. Which weapon should you take with you.
  5. Which things should you keep in your bag?
  6. What is the ultimate goal?
  7. What is the most likely way for you to die in the apocalypse?
  8. Would you kill someone?
  9. Are you ready for your results?
  10. Did you like the quiz? ( Will not affect your score )
  11. Last question. do you think you survived?
  12. Last, last question. If you were an animal what would it be?

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