Deltarune Tickling Quiz

This quiz will outline which female Deltarune characters (sorry Ralsei fans) you will end up tickling, if this is not your type of quiz that is okay!!

I should note for the positions you are Kris as they are the protagonist of Deltarune. Your choices of Ladies to tickle will be: Toriel, Susie, Noelle and Queen (sorry Undyne and Alphys lovers)

Created by: Will
  1. Do you know of Undertale or Deltarune? (No effect)
  2. Do you like tickling? (No effect)
  3. What is your style of tickling?
  4. What do you prefer?
  5. What type of animal would you tickle?
  6. Scenario 1: You snuck in the Kinder class and hiding under Toriel's desk. She is barefoot, What do you do?
  7. Scenario 2: Noelle wonders if Susie is ticklish and asks for your help. When in the perfect position what do you do?
  8. Scenario 3: During the Acid Tunnel of Love, Queen comes up to you and Ralsei drunk with her feet out. What do you do?
  9. Final Scenario: Somehow You get your hands on Toriel, Susie, Noelle and Queen's feet. Who do you tickle?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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